wishes to ensure accessibility of web resources for all users, and has been designed for use in a wide variety of browsers and with assistive technologies in mind.
The portal complies with Idaho’s Web Publishing Guidelines (which are based on the W3C’s Priority 1 checkpoints), but cannot guarantee that links to sites outside the portal architecture are accessible.
Improving the site’s accessibility for citizens with disabilities is one of our top priorities. We welcome suggestions or comments on this topic. Simply email our webmaster.
Additional Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) information:
For information regarding access to state programs, services, and activities, or if you believe that you have been discriminated against due to your disability when accessing state programs, services, and activities, please contact the Statewide ADA Coordinator. The ADA Coordinator can give you information on how to obtain assistance or assist you in filing a Complaint, the direct ADA Coordinator webpage is