Population | 1,839,106 (2020 US Census estimate) |
Land Area | 83,557 square miles |
Capital City | Boise |
Date of Statehood | July 3rd, 1890 |
Highest Elevation | 12,662 ft. (Mt. Borah) |
Lowest Elevation | 738 ft. (Lewiston, ID) |
Water Area | 823 square miles |
River Miles | 3,500 miles |
State Bird | The Mountain Bluebird (Sialia arctcia) |
State Flower | The Syringa (Philadelphus lewisii) |
State Tree | The Western White Pine (Pinus Monticola pinaceae) |
State Fruit | Wild Huckleberry |
State Fish | Cutthroat Trout |
State Gem | Star Garnet |
State Motto | “Esto Perpetua” from the Latin meaning “Be Eternal”. |
State Song | “Here We Have Idaho” - adopted in 1931. Verses by Albert J. Tompkins, chorus by McKinley Helm, music by Sallie Hume-Douglas. |
Idaho Capitol Gift Shop
Browse over 130 specialty items online or visit Boise to tour the State Capitol Building and see the shop in person. The Gift Shop features unique Idaho-themed merchandise, as well as other specialty items.
The Gift Shop is located in the Garden Level of the Statehouse.
700 W. Jefferson St.
Boise ID, 83720
Hours: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm, Tuesday – Saturday